Publications and journals

Joey has contributed widely to the field of dermatology by publishing over 50 peer-reviewed medical articles and over 100 conference abstracts in local, national and international meetings.

Notable medical journals in which he has published include the New England Journal of Medicine (the highest ranked medical journal in the world), Nature Medicine, Journal of Investigative Dermatology (the highest ranked dermatology journal) and American Journal of Pathology.

He has also contributed to numerous book chapters including the Skin Anatomy chapter in the 2015 and 2020 edition of the world famous Gray’s Anatomy textbook.

Books & Chapters

  1. Lai-Cheong JE and McGrath JA. Structure and function of the skin. Medicine 2017 (pending)
  2. Lai-Cheong JE and McGrath JA. Structure of the skin. In Gray’s Anatomy (2015).
  3. Lai-Cheong JE, Murell D and Paller AS. Laryngo-onycho-cutaneous syndrome. In Textbook of Blistering Diseases (2013).
  4. Lai-Cheong JE and McGrath JA. Kindler syndrome. In Textbook of Blistering Diseases (2013).
  5. Lai-Cheong JE, Elias P and Paller AS. Pathogenesis-based therapy for ichthyoses. In Dermatologic Therapy (2013)
  6. Lai-Cheong JE and Paller AS. Current and novel therapies for genetic skin disorders. In Severe Skin Diseases in Children: Beyond Topical Therapy (2013)
  7. Lai-Cheong JE and McGrath JA. Structure and function of the skin. In Medicine. Volume 37, Issue 5, May 2009, Pages 223–226